Logelloop 6 - Presentation of spatialization and granular synthesis tools - Philippe Ollivier

Logelloop 6, released in January 2024, with its transformation, sound creation, spatialization and multichannel recording tools, is the ideal tool for composing or improvising electroacoustic music in real time.

Presented by: Philippe Ollivier

This new version introduces Acousmonium, a system that enables sound to be spatialised across up to 48 loudspeakers, which you can arrange as you wish in a space of any size to produce 3D spatialisation. Sources can be moved manually or using scripts or trajectory automations.Logelloop 6 - Acousmonium

Logelloop 6 is also equipped with granular multichannel synthesis tools natively designed for sound distribution over a large set of loudspeakers.Logelloop - Granular

It is possible to create your own scripts to configure graphical interfaces enabling complex functions to be associated with a single user action.

Logelloop is the ideal companion for musicians interested in sound spatialisation, musicians, sound designers, electroacoustic composers or stage managers interested in a sound creation and integrated spatialisation tool.