Formulae changed
On March 27, 2019, the modification of the IRCAM Forum Software License Agreement results in minor changes to individual and institutional Premium su…
Fragments of Extinction
2017.18 Artistic Research Residency. David Monacchi. In collaboration with the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces team and the ZKM.
Augmented physicality and emotionality
2017.18 Artistic Research Residency. Emanuele Palumbo. In collaboration with the CREAM team-project and the Analysis of Musical Practices team.
The nonlinear spring
2018.19 Artistic research residency. Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg. In collaboration with the Sound Systems and Signals: Audio/Acoustics, InstruMents…
AI Swing!
2018.19 Artistic Research Residency. Raphaël Imbert et Benjamin Lévy. In collaboration with the Musical Representations IRCAM-STMS Team and the Ana…
Perceptual strangeness in virtual reality
2018.19 Artistic Research Residency. Trami NGuyen et Vincent Isnard. In collaboration with the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces IRCAM-STMS Team.
2018.19 Artistic Research Residency Éric Raynaud aka Fraction. In collaboration with the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces IRCAM-STMS Team and the Soci…
Composing spaces and perception / REVELO
2018.19 Artistic research residency. Marco Antonio Suarez-Cifuentes. In collaboration with the Sound Music Movement Interaction IRCAM-STMS Team and…
An Urban Archive as an English Garden - Acoustic Landscaping in Time and Space
2018.19 Artistic Research Residency. Brynjar Franzson Davíð. In collaboration with the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces team and the ZKM.