Analysis Synthesis Tools by Pierre Guillot
In this talk, Pierre Guillot will give a brief introduction to the historical heritage and artistic and research context in which ASAP and Partiels w…
Creating immersive acoustics for virtual worlds using Elliptique by Benoît Alary
As a follow-up to the November 6th presentation (Acoustics for musicians: from concert halls to virtual realities by Benoit Alary), this workshop wil…
Designing Acoustics in Virtual Worlds by Benoît Alary
From the reproduction of existing rooms to imaginary spaces: creative use of sound technologies for immersive worlds.
Robosonic Play by Elias Naphausen
In this talk we will dive into non-anthropomorphic robotics and sonification. By turning data from an industrial manipulator into sound, we can liste…
Ircam tools overview for creative sound design and generative music production by Guillaume Piccarreta and Paola Palumbo
An introduction to the Ircam Forum community and technical overview of the tools for creative sound design and generative music, such as concatenativ…
Automated 3D Audio Control and Remixing System by Seungryeol Paik
This research presents a data-driven system for automated spatial audio remixing in 5th-order ambisonic formats, utilizing deep learning and machine …
Modular and Interfaced Spat5 SPAT in Max for Live device “TSofL” by Jing-Shiuan Tsang
“TSofL” (the SPAT Operator for Live) is a branch of Max for Live devices that features a modular and interfaced SPAT model made within the Max for Li…
Overview of IRCAM’s Research and Technologies for Artistic Creation by Hugues Vinet
The aim of this conference is to provide an overview of recent and ongoing research and technological developments at IRCAM for sound and music creat…