Posté par: Paola Palumbo Il y a 2 années, 1 mois
This was a preliminary version of the program. Please, view the final detailed program here.
First Day - March 29th:
Conferences and presentations:
Introduction to the event by Hugues Vinet, Paola Palumbo (IRCAM)
Presentation of Noire by Novaya's team.
Immersive sound from Thibaut Carpentier SPAT ( IRCAM)
Presentation of the PIA4 project "Continuum, augmented experience of live performance in its sound dimension" with Hugues Vinet (director of the IRCAM Innovation and Research Means department), Markus Noisternig (researcher of the IRCAM Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces team), Gildas Dussauze (CEO of Vrtuoz) and Gaëtan Byk (CEO of Amadeus)
Jean-Marc Jot - Envisioning a Future Music and Audio Metaverse
Hervé Déjardin (Radio France) - Presentation and demonstration of the production and broadcasting chain used during the Fip360 "Electro" concerts
Benoit Alary, Etienne Démoulin - Elliptique: a new multichannel reverberator for SPAT
Martin Antiphon (MUSIC UNIT) Presentation of SPAT Devices ( ABLETON)
News Max David Zicarelli, Emmanuel Jourdan ( CYCLING '74)
Taiwan in Paris - Presentation from the C-Lab (Wen-Chi Su, Fujui Wang, YiLab...) and the VR work of Andrea Cera
Demos and installations:
Bill Parod - Crossroads AR - Colorful Paintings and Spatial Music in Augmented Reality
C-Lab - Chroma: A Derek Jarman Project; Throbbing Sonic; Black Hole Museum + Body Browser
Rama Gottfried - Scenes from the Plastisphere
Xiangyu Wang - Objects Orchestra
Aiden Shabka, Udit Datta - Embodiement of a Decentralised Sonic Space
Laura Selby, Yueshen Wu, Devanshi Rungta - MYcorrhizal
Acoustic Heritage Collective - Video game technology as an AV art and culture dissemination strategy: Case study "Journey to the center of the sound" in the MONOM 4D sound system
Two timeslots to see the performance of Noire by Novaya in the Forum of the Centre Pompidou - Limited to 10 persons, on registration
Second Day - March 30th:
Conferences and presentations:
News from the IRCAM Forum presented by Greg Beller, Guillaume Pellerin and Paola Palumbo
Latest updates of ASAP by Pierre Guillot (IRCAM)
Presentation from the AS team by Axel Roebel, Guillaume Doras, Yann Teytaut, Carlo Laurenzi (IRCAM)
News on OpenMusic by Karim Haddad, Carlos Agon (IRCAM)
News on Somax by Mikhail Malt and Marco Fiorini (IRCAM)
Keynote by Nicolas Henchoz Director of EPFL+ECAL Lab et art papers chair de Siggraph 2023
Michele Ziegler - Presentation of NewImages Hub ( Forum des Images)
Landia Egal - Measuring the environmental impacts of XR: from a blank page to a forecast to 2030
Presentation of the latest projects of the S3AM team by Robert Piechaud, Henri Boutin (IRCAM)
Presentation of DAFNE+ An European project for fair creative content distribution based on blockchains, NFTs and DAOs by Hugues Vinet, Greg Beller (IRCAM)
Presentations from the young designers of the Royal College of Arts of London ( RCA)
Demos and installations:
Bill Parod - Crossroads AR - Colorful Paintings and Spatial Music in Augmented Reality
Anders Vinjar - ᚺᛟᛁᚱ - HEYR - HEAR - HERE
Yiru Yan (Cainy), Ke Peng - Celestial Armillary and Ubiquitous Wave
Benoit Alary, Etienne Démoulin (IRCAM) - Elliptique: a new multichannel reverberator for SPAT
Jean-Marc Jot - Binaural Externalization Processing
Covo - BARS: A Multiplayer Sensorial Experience.
Savyna Dragon - Island and One Night
Hand-on on ASAP Pierre Guillot (IRCAM)
Hands-on on Modalys, Lua, 3D Robert Piechaud, Hans Peter Stubbe - (IRCAM)
Three timeslots to see the performance of Noire by Novaya in the Forum of the Centre Pompidou - Limited to 10 persons, on registration
Third day - March 31st:
Conferences and presentations:
Presentation of the latest projects of the ISMM team for Max: Mubu, CataRT, SkataRT, Gesture&Sound Toolkit.
Caspar de Gelmini - Nightline: Experimental Film and contemporary Music
Patrick Hartono - Gestural-Based Sound Spatialization & Synthesis Strategies in 3D Virtual Environment in Interactive Audiovisual Composition
Marta Rossi - Max/MSP Spat library, sensors, and Unreal Engine: a workflow for a real-time generative VR project
Hans Kretz (online) - AI, networked performance and aesthetic judgment
Yann Coppier - Family Life - recomposed
Umut Eldem - Shallow Steps - Spatial Cognitive Sonification of Generative Visuals
Patricia Alessandrini (online) - Ada's Song: Making machine-learning processes visible and tangible
Dudu Tsuda - Media Specific Performance: the screen mediated production during the Pandemic
Thiange Zhou (online) - The World of Freedom
Jérôme Lesueur - PanoLive Workshops
Workshop from the EAC team in the "Espace de Projection": Andrea Cera, David Monacchi, LuxuryLogico, Augustin Muller...
Workshop on SPAT Revolution ( Flux)
Hands-on on SPAT Thibaut Carpentier (IRCAM)
Demos and installations:
Bill Parod - Crossroads AR - Colorful Paintings and Spatial Music in Augmented Reality
Benoit Alary, Etienne Démoulin - Demo
Grégoire Lemoulant - MAGIC PIANO AR
Simone Conforti, Mikhail Malt and Emmanuel Flety - Flûte électronique conception et prototypage
Marco Bidin (ALEA) - Music for Headphones III
Anran Yang - The Body of Cognitions
Three timeslots to see the performance of Noire by Novaya in the Forum of the Centre Pompidou - Limited to 10 persons, on registration
With the support of:
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